United States History

I created this website in order for others to get help in United States History and/or to pass the U.S. History and Government Regents Exam. You can find an explanation of all the Supreme Court cases that are important for you to know under the Supreme Court Cases tab. This site is also for those who are either interested in history or for history teachers to use. This website goes through most of the time periods in U.S. history.You can find an explanation of each time period under the Topics in History tab. Just use the drop down menu to locate which topic you'd like to view. Under the More Tab, you can view different Resources, which is where I posted several links to videos, quiz and test review websites, and games to help you on various topics in U.S. history. I also provided my Contact Information for anyone who wants to reach out to me. All the things you need to pass U.S. history are within this awesome site! I hope you enjoy my website.

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